Your team has crashed down, and you have turned out to be lost on a desert island, and the only way out of it is to build a new ship! On your way home your crew will not avoid obstacles: running away from enemy ships, lifting chests of gold, rescuing from monsters of the deep - all of this will become real, if you order a marine teambuilding event in Sochi. The most friendly, resort and tenderly warm city of the country is simply designed for team building on the water....
Just imagine how the relationships within your team will change after sharing this adventure with your colleagues!
The MSG company has extensive experience in organizing corporate events and knows for sure that marine team building will leave the best impressions on your team. Male participants will be able to show their heroic qualities, and female participants will appreciate their gorgeous marine tan which they will get as a bonus at the corporate party. Sitting in the restaurant and eating delicacies is also good, of course, but to fry freshly-caught fish astern of the ship is much more interesting, isn’t it?