Opening ceremony of the new galvanic production building.
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The opening ceremony was attended by Anatoly Serdyukov, Industrial Director of Rostec State Corporation Aviation Cluster, Alexander Artyukhov, General Director of UEC JSC and Alexey Sobolev, Deputy General Director - Managing Director of UEC-Kuznetsov PJSC.
ОДК "Кузнецов". Торжественное открытие нового корпуса гальванического производства from MSG Agency on Vimeo.
The new building houses 18 automated and mechanized lines, 3 auxiliary areas and a complex of local treatment facilities. The equipment meets both Russian and international quality standards and ensures high economic efficiency. MSG agency company worked out a scenario and visualization of the opening ceremony. In the shortest time there was a technological light show with special construction system and unique lighting devices.
All light show was synchronized with music composition, was mounted in a special program in advance and coordinated with the client.
Besides a unique construction for the light show, seamless LED wall and specially prescribed content, MSG agency constructed a special system of starting and opening of electroplating workshop, which put all the equipment into operation.The project was executed in a very short time at the company "ODK-Kuznetsov" in Samara. On December 24, the technological light and music show was repeated for the employees of the enterprise and the general audience.
JSC United Engine Corporation (part of Rostec State Corporation) is an integrated structure that specializes in the development, serial production and servicing of engines for military and civil aviation, space programs and the navy, as well as the oil and gas and power industries.